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Procedure |
2) The next window that appears after submitting your inputs, presents eleven options whose details are given alongside.Read them.Click at the desired menu. (Ex: General Information to see what is in store against your input).As per requirement of these eleven options, you may have to give further inputs (Ex: Daily forecast or Monthly forecast or Compatibility) or straightaway see the results of different events. 3) One suggestion. First click the "Quality Potential" and note down the combinations with results inherent in your inputs. Note also the planets responsible to give the results, although generally throughout your life but specially during their own Dasas/Antaras/Pratyantar Dasas.After going "Back" click at the "Dasa menu". Notice the periods of main dasa.Click at your desired interval/period. Now you get the various "Antaras" . Click at the required interval. You now see the precise interpretation of the Dasa Lord and Antara Lord in their respective time intervals. The precise interpretation of shorter periods can be obtained by going down the window and observing the results of various Pratyantar Dasa (ending dates). 4)The emperical results of any particular day/moment or any month/year can be obtained by clicking ( and giving further inputs as required) "Daily Forecast" and "Monthly Forecast" respectively.Test for yourself, how simple this is. 5) You may directly click at the "Ashtakvarga" menu. And see for yourself the specific charactaristics of your life like , for example, overall income vis-a-vis expenditure ;milestone ages of your life or satisfaction level in different stages of your life. 6) At times the results may appear to be ambiguous or contradictory.Wait . These are sequential or stagewise. 7) If inspite of all this, you still wish to have some further clarification or want a precise answer to your specific question, don't hasitate to mention the same with date & time of query and mail at and wait for reply. 8) Remember, your suggestion for further improvement of the program or pointing out errors, if any, are always welcome for consideration. |
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