L.K.Jha's Astrology


L.K.Jha's astrology is based on Vedic System of astrological interpretation of planetary positions at the time of an event. All the seven planets namely: Earth;Moon;Mars; Mercury; Jupiter; Venus and Saturn revolve around the Sun perenially in their respective elliptical orbits called Zodiac measuring 360 degrees. The Zodiac is divided into 27 equal parts of 13 degree 20 minutes arc each called constellation. These constellations (360 degree total) are further divided in 12 signs of 30 degree each. These are namely Aries; Taurus; Gemini; Cancer; Leo; Virgo; Libra; Scorpio;Sagittarius; Capricorn; Aqurarius and Pisces. The planets are situated in any of these signs individually or collectively. Additionally, two more entities at the intersesctions of Moon's orbit around the earth and the ecliptic are reckoned as Mathematical planets. They are not celestial but purely mathematical points. They are designated as Rahu & Ketu Planets. Rahu and Ketu are inter-spaced at 180 degree that is they are 6 signs apart. Then there is Lagna, the most important mathematical entity. The Lagna or Ascendant is the astrological sign that is ascending or rising on the eastern horizon at the specific location and time of an event/birth.

Ascendant is called the First House. Signs of subsequent planets are houses from the first house - Ascendant. The position or sign of the above mentioned 9 planets ( Rahu-Ketu included) and the Ascendant involve very intricate relativistic calculations.

This is the New Chart .Ancient Hindu sages have percieved the results of these nine planets situated anywhere in the 12 houses at any time and location. These results are surmised as forecast for any individual or event . They comprise the Vedic System.


All the seven planets ( Rahu and Ketu are excluded) and the lagna donate and recieve strength from each planet including itself. Unlike the GOCHAR (TRANSIT) SYSTEM where the results are reckoned from moon Vis-a-Vis 7 planets ,in this system, all the seven planets and Lagna give and recieve strength from the same 7 planets and Lagna including itself. The strength recieved by any particular planet from all the 8 (planets and Lagna) is called Bhinnashtak Varga or BAV of the planet ranging from 0 to 8. The sum total of these Bhinnashtak Vargas in any particular House is the Sarvashtak Varga or SAV, ranging from 12 to 52. The sum total of SAVs for any horoscope is 337. BAV of 4 or more for any planet gives positive results as per the nature of planet. SAV of 30 or more gives positive result for the House according to its own nature.

Ashtak Varga strength of any planet or house is the most important factor and is stated to override other properties.

L.K.Jha's astrology gives full stress to Ashtakvarga in all its forecasts like Period ; Monthly and Daily . This makes it unique and different from others' prognostications.

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